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April Hiking : Compostable Cooler, Classy Hikers, Great Trail, New Magazine April 26, 2019 |
April 2019: A Note From Diane As the days grow longer, this newsletter will grow shorter. You know why! Trail time beckons. So I’ll summarize the best stuff for you here, and then invite you to sign up for the free weekly updates (much shorter, still packed with info) if you want the unabridged version ;) This month’s best stuff includes introducing you to a free new hiking magazine, a cooler made of paper (!), a smorgasbord of classes, a completed long trail twenty five years in the making, a new giveaway, some hiking product reviews, and more. (Okay, maybe not so short. I try!!) Let’s start off this month with a chance for some free gear.
HIKING FOR HER APRIL GIVEAWAYThis month you have a chance to win a box of hiking gear from The Nomadik.Never heard of them? Read my reviews for a peek inside the box:
Upcoming monthly giveaways will focus on good hiking self care and gear (think trekking poles, for example). And weekly update readers will be treated to a flash giveaway now and then, just to keep life interesting!
A VERY COOL COOLERDoes anyone say “cool” anymore when they want to inject a note of awe-tinged approval? I use cool in that way to describe this brand new cooler from Igloo: Recool Compostable CoolerIt costs $9.95, it’s made of recylced paper and a natural coating to hold it together and waterproof it, and allegedly it will keep your ice in solid form up to 12 hours. It can be dried out and re-used, then recycled when its life span is over (or something over 75 pounds crushes it). My question: Will it squeak like those cheap styrofoam coolers I used in the ‘80s for road trips and camping adventures? All it takes is writing the word “squeaky” to make me smile as I recall having to crawl into the back seat (not while driving!!) to make adjustments that never really worked to silence the annoyingly loud (definitely not cool) cooler. So what do you think? Would you use it even if it doesn’t squeak? Hit reply and let me know!
GREEN SPACE RESEARCHGrowing up in a rural area, my entire world was pretty much green space for exploring and enjoying the seasons. Then I moved to a dense urban area and had to make a determined effort to seek out trees and trails.I never realized how growing up in a green world had hard wired my neurons, but a recent study claims that a happy adulthood is tied to exposure to childhood green spaces. Are you a happy hiking adult despite not growing up with access to a green belt or park? Read a synopsis of the study at NPR: Green Space NPR Article Or the original article here:
Green Space Happy Adults Article
CLASSY HIKERSThere was some recent buzz in our Over Forty Hiker community about how great REI classes are.I admit to having missed the boat (or the trail marker). So I took a closer look, then gathered together my thoughts about how you can whittle down this huge selection of classes and put them to good use in five different ways.
HIKING RESOURCESGloves and jackets are staples for shoulder season hiking, whether spring in the Northern hemisphere or fall in the Southern hemisphere.
Best Women's Hiking Jackets
NEWEST HIKING MAGAZINEArmaskin is an Australian company offering antiblister hiking socks, which HFH has reviewed here:
ArmaSkin Anti-Blister Socks Review
One day you can read about hiking in Oregon; in the next issue you’ll be whisked to Australian hiking trails, or drop in on the adventures of a woman hiker (Lucy Barnard) attempting to trek the full length of the Americas as a section hiker. For a free sample copy, go here:
ArmaSkin Hiking Magazine
COOL AND REFRESHINGAre you getting a bit jaded reading/dreaming about, or hiking, the long trails in the United States like the AT, PCT, CDT?If you like the challenge of northern long trails which remain cool and refreshing even in the blazing heat of summer (See what I did there? A cooler tie-in. And I didn't even try.), feast your eyes on this newly completed trail:
The Great Trail Interactive Map
This trail project (part of Trans Canada Trail’s mission) took about 25 years to piece together. It’s a great story of cooperation between the government, donors, land holders and hikers. It highlights respect for the land and the people on the land, and gives a hiker plenty to dream about. Meet the people who brought this great dream to fruition:
The Great Trail: About Us
Here’s my favorite (short) video featuring Darren Yelton, who carved the welcome poles to mark this trail in the traditional manner handed down through his ancestors:
Great Trail Carver
DID YOU KNOW?Did you know that you rock?Seriously! A female hiker chooses to get out there, get sweaty, get tired and dirty, and get happy. So thanks for reading this, and thanks for your commitment to hiking happiness - whatever that means to you. Hit reply to say howdy, share ideas, suggest topics, wax nostalgic about squeaky coolers, it's all welcome and appreciated here at Hiking For Her.
Happy trails to you, today and every day, Diane a.k.a. Happy Hiker (was it the childhood green space??) Did you receive this newsletter from a friend? Sign up for your own free monthly subscription. Or a free weekly hiking update! Stop by these HFH pages for a little hiking inspiration! Likes, comments and shares are always appreciated.
Hiking For Her HFH Facebook HFH Pinterest HFH Amazon Author Page HFH Goodreads Author Please consider this invitation: Join Our Over Forty Hiker CommunitySome of the links in this newsletter and on the Hiking For Her website may be affiliate links. What does this mean for you? You create a small miracle when you buy hiking gear through those links, by allowing a modest percentage of your purchase price to flow into the HFH coffers. What's so miraculous about that? You receive great gear that has been trail tested and approved by a seasoned hiker. You pay nothing extra. AND you help keep the free hiking tips flowing to your virtual trail buddies around the globe. Wow! And a sincere Thank You for your vote of confidence in Hiking For Her. It means a lot! |
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