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Hiking Awe July 21, 2014 |
July 2014: A Note From Diane
Hello Intrepid Hiker! Here’s a favorite quote to begin this month’s newsletter (please feel free to insert “She” in the 3rd sentence): “The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mysterious. It is the power of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead.”-Albert Einstein July is prime hiking time in the Northern hemisphere. The snow is finally melting from the high places, the animals and plants are bringing new generations into existence, the rock and water and dirt are warming to the Sun’s kiss, and the trails are screaming my/your name!! So I’ll keep this short and sweet, with just a simple question for you: When’s the last time you were “Ahhh –ed?”
It is my fervent hope that you named something hiking related within the last few weeks or months: a sweeping vista that caught your eye and caused your heart to thump a little harder, a wild animal encounter that reminded you what “wild” means, or maybe just the bone-soaking silence of your own tent at daybreak. Because I agree with Albert – being alive and living are not the same thing. Trail time with Mother Nature manages to keep up on our toes (living). But if we get out there often enough, we are awed (alive). Why am I all keyed up about this? I just returned from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), where I spent many days and nights in uninterrupted awe. It’s hard to be in any other state, surrounded by wild rivers, immense sky, nameless mountains, abundant but miniature flora, complete absence of human habitation, and enough mosquitoes to drain several full grown mastodons per hour. I’ll have a link to photos and a trip description in the next newsletter. I’ll also have gear reviews: I tried out a new tent, boots, and bug clothing and Mother Nature threw everything she had at me: wind, rain, 24 hours of daylight, mud, and the aforementioned mosquitoes. But for now, let’s just say I’m still in “ahhhh” land. Don’t be shy - drop me a line and let me know what you’re up to this hiking season, especially the “awed” stuff!
One More QuestionAnd now I’ll leave you with a little light reading, asking one more question: Do you believe in the healing power of Nature (vis medicatrix naturae)? Let me know what you think of this article!
Best wishes to you on your hiking adventures. Go with awe…
From me to you, Happy Trails always. -Diane a.k.a. Happy Hiker
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