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Hiking News For You
July 23, 2022

July/August 2022: A Note From Diane

Not gonna lie… summer “gotta be outside” fever has gripped me. So this newsletter serves as the July AND August edition.

Because who has time to sit inside and read on a beautiful day!!

Let's jump right into the news so you can get back outside. Or so you can put away your device and keep your eyes on the trail ;)


Sometimes I receive emails from women who want to start backpacking but fear the sweat, dirt and monthly issues. I suggest they put together a kit to stay clean and happy with these tips:

Backpacking hygiene kit

Getting lost is a fear many hikers carry within them. One way to deal? Learn how to navigate safely:

Hiking navigation

Not all nuts are created equal, and as a hiker, you should be choosing the best ones for your style of hiking. Here's the science behind that sentence!

Best backpacking nuts


I continue to search for women who inspire me to keep going on the trail, even on days when my thighs feel like concrete and my lungs beg me to turn around on steep trails.

Here are the stories of three women I'm delighted to share with you this month!

First, Carol Langley, who turns 80 in December. She has hiked sections of the Appalachian Trail for decades. You'll find her there this summer, too:

No plans to slow down

Think you’re too old to start hiking? Meet Joanne Applegate, who started at age 70 and is still going strong at 94!

Never too old to start

Arlette "Apple Pie" Laan is an Ice Age Trail thru-hiker who is the first woman to complete all 11 national scenic trails. She's a youngster compared to our first 2 women. Wonder what she'll be doing when she turns 94?

National scenic trails record holder


I just read a study using national park data which shows an even split between medical and traumatic calls for service by first responders and Search & Rescue.

Sadly, trauma produces more fatalities.

Most non-fatal trauma is due to athletic-type injuries and extremity fractures.

So far, these results fit with my experiences on the trail and what I've read in other studies.

Here comes the kicker.

The largest portion of injuries occur in camp or while hiking, not during more “high-risk" outdoor activities in parks, such as climbing, mountaineering, skiing, or kayaking.

Here's what this means for us in the hiking community: we really need to be prepared to take action when calamity strikes.

A first aid course would be great preparation, but a medical kit that fits your style of hiking is also a great idea.

Also, carry a way to summon help.

And let's be realistic. It might take some time before help arrives.

So to go along with the hygiene kit, maybe you should pull together a hiking survival kit with emergency supplies.

I share my tips here:

Personal locator beacons

Survival kit for hikers

Read the study I'm referencing right here: EMS Management Of Traumatic And Medical Disorders In A Wilderness Environment


Reading that study got me wondering who shows up to treat traumatic and medical disorders in a wilderness environment.

Turns out there is a burgeoning medical specialty of folks who know how to help us with high altitude illness, venomous plants and animals, trauma, temperature related illnesses (hyperthermia, hypothermia, etc.) and lots more.

This article is a nice overview of this medical specialty.

Wilderness medicine docs

It also includes links to where you can get training in how to handle hiking illness and injuries.


Have you taken a moment to sign up for a chance to win 6 backpacking breakfasts from RightOnTrek?

Do it before the end of July and fingers crossed that your email will be selected as the winner!

Hiking For Her Giveaway Details

Hurrah for the trail!

Aren't we just the most joyous human beings when we're hiking?

It feels so good to stretch the legs until they burn, feel that ache in the small of the back, scratch several dozens bug bites... whoa, not where I was going with that thought, but I guess it's realistic!

Enjoy your trails, no matter what, because it beats the alternative: not being a hiker.

Back again in September with lots more hiking news and inspiration!

Happy Trails to you,

Diane a.k.a. Happy Hiker

Looking for the best deals on hiking and camping gear, apparel, destinations and fun stuff? Here's my constantly updated page to save you time and money: Best Current Deals For Hikers

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