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June Hiking News
June 17, 2024

June 2024: A Note From Diane


We are immersed in June, and it's my hope that you're outdoors as much as possible and that your weather is perfect for hiking.

And let's be honest. ANY weather is perfect for hiking if you have the correct gear and a good attitude, right?

In this month's newsletter, you'll meet an inspiring female hiker, have a chance to commemorate a well known inspiring female hiker, find 12 categories of hiking tips, get updates on some up and coming long trails, and lots more.

Ready? Here we go...


This month I'm sharing my best hiking resources with you, organized into 12 categories.

Hopefully you will find at least one tiny nugget of gold you can put into immediate use on the trail this month.

Hiking resources for you


Alpine Parrot is an outdoor clothing company focused on making technical outdoor wear for hikers in sizes 14 – 30.

You know, the ones you cannot find in stores.

And that's a problem that Alpine Parrot cares a lot about.

Here’s the distressing result of Alpine Parrot asking women the question “Do you hate shopping in stores?”

Hint: An act of courage is involved.

You are not alone!

I've watched Alpine Parrot grow as a company. It's founded on a sincere wish to meet a need within the female hiking community. I explain more here: Why Hiking For Her supports Alpine Parrot


Meet Sumitra Acharya, a Nepalese woman leading expeditions to Everest Base Camp and Annapurna as she changes the face of the trekking world.

Move over, guys!

Female trekking guide


Let's not forget Emma Gatewood.

In her sixties and a grandmother of 23, she tackled the Appalachian Trail when nobody knew what it was.


Who needs a backpack when you can simply wrap everything up in a shower curtain and toss it over your shoulder?

Her spirit of adventure inspired me as a young hiker decades ago. So it's exciting to share with you a tangible way to commemorate this amazing woman.

I just donated to a GoFundMe campaign raising funds to create a life size bronze statue of Grandma Gatewood.

You can meet the sculptor Bridgette Mongeon (an avid hiker) along with the entire project team, and make a donation, here:

Grandma Gatewood statue details


Sue Kusch, hiker and writer, is the author of a Substack newsletter entitled Fifteen Years and Counting... about journeys and aging.

She describes her work in this way: "Exploring the final decades of our lives: our places, dreams, regrets, gratitude, fears, hope, nostalgia, and challenges."

As a "mature" hiker, I was honored to do an interview with her this month. And as an interesting bonus, Sue shares a pictorial of some of her hiking journeys.

You can find it here:

HFH interview


You know how I like to keep track of new trails!

Here's the newest one on my radar. It's Up North and just secured funding: the Minnesota Driftless Trail.

At 125 miles in length, it's going to take you through southeastern Minnesota in 2026 or 2027.

Funding secured for Minnesota trail

And as long as we're Up North, let's check in on the Superior Hiking Trail.

In 2023 there were at least 407,000 visits during peak hiking season from May to November. The Duluth sections are the most-used part of the trail, which makes sense given the population distribution.

Get all the details here:

2023 data on Superior Hiking Trail usage

Not sure where this long trail route goes? Here's my overview of this trail that gives you serenity and solitude in abundance:

Superior Hiking Trail


I’ve seen a lot of backpacks, and worn plenty of them, but never this one: a custom backpack to bring wild mosquitoes back to the lab for further study.

Puts a new spin on "back"pack, doesn't it?

Have a look at it on Science News.

Trigger alert first: You will see a photo of a mosquito with a belly full of red blood cells. It might make you itch with memories of your own encounters with these ferocious mamas (and people fear mama bears, go figure...)

Mosquito backpack

Back in September!

Reminder: July and August hiking news will be included in the September newsletter, due to the intense longing of my hiking boots and backpack to be out on the trail.

I know you, of all people, will understand ;)

Look for a jam packed newsletter in your inbox in mid-September, sharing hiking news, a new giveaway, resources for female hikers and some surprises.

Until then, get out there and enjoy the trail, mosquitoes and all!

Happy Trails, my friend,

Diane a.k.a. Happy Hiker

Looking for the best deals on hiking and camping gear, apparel, destinations and fun stuff? Here's my constantly updated page to save you time and money: Best Current Deals For Hikers

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What does this mean for you?

You create a small miracle when you buy hiking gear through those links, by allowing a modest percentage of your purchase price to flow into the HFH coffers.

What's so miraculous about that?

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And a sincere Thank You for your vote of confidence in Hiking For Her. It means a lot!

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