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AlpineCurves Interview: 
Women's Plus Size
Outdoor Clothing Insights

By Diane Spicer

Plus size hiking clothing for women can be found in this Hiking For Her interview with AlpineCurves. #plussizeclothing #hikingclothingplussize #HikingForHerinterview #hiking #backpacking

Welcome to this AlpineCurves interview!

Finding quality outdoor clothing in women's plus sizes can be beyond frustrating, especially if you want to look great and beat the elements.

Kindra Roberts has experienced that frustration, and in response she gathered together some trailworthy choices for plus size hikers, snowshoers and other women who enjoy spending time in the great outdoors.

She calls it AlpineCurves!

A bit of background

AlpineCurves.com was a solution to a real life problem:

  • finding outdoor clothing that actually fits and performs well for women who are looking for a size beyond XL or XXL.

Who better to start a company for plus size outdoors women than someone who has experienced this frustration first hand, right?

You can view some great clothing choices for outdoor sports on the AlpineCurves website, but I hope you stick around to meet Kindra Roberts.

She's got a lot to say about the state of plus size outdoor clothes for female hikers, so let the Q & A begin!

NOTE: All photos were provided by Kindra Roberts.

AlpineCurves founder Kindra Roberts on a ski slopeKindra Roberts of AlpineCurves.com

Which brand(s) stand(s) out for you
as really “getting it”
when it comes to women’s
extended sizing, for not only fit
but quality and function?

When we first started AlpineCurves.com I had stumbled on a company called DSG Outwear. They ironically enough were a woman owned company based out of our home state, Wisconsin.

They offer a full line of snow and hunting gear.

The first time I ordered one of their snow jackets, I literally cried.

It truly was THE most technical snow jacket I had ever owned, I felt amazing in it!

It had all the features of other jackets I had drooled over but could never fit into. Not only was this jacket super technical, it also fit me to a T!!!

  • It had extra room in the chest area so that when I zipped it, it wasn’t pulling across my chest.
  • The sleeves were long enough without being too long.

You could tell they took the time to really understand the sizing of a plus size woman.

They also offer adjustable inseams on all their pants (28.5”-32.5”), which for me I struggle with because my inseam is 32-34”.

Almost all the items we carry by DSG go up to 5X.

Another plus size outdoor brand to note

The second company I recently discovered this past year is Sportiveplus based out of Canada.

They have been in business for over 25 years and they specialize in manufacturing plus size clothing for women for every outdoor activity.

We are proud to say we are one of their first U.S. distributors.

I was truly impressed by the quality and workmanship of all the products we received in.

The sizing on all their products is spot on.

I was super excited to get their hiking pants; they were fitted but with a lot of give in the fabric and best of all they had great pockets!

Kindra Roberts of Alpine Curves on snowshoesKindra enjoying some winter hiking a.k.a. snowshoeing in comfortable outdoor clothing

Why do you think outdoor brands
have ignored plus size women
(the majority of American females)
for so long?

This is an interesting question and one that makes me a bit sad.

I have been going to the Outdoor Retailers Show for the last couple years and every year I have my heart set on a few companies I plan on soliciting.

  • Often these are brands I have looked up to and wished I could fit into because they seemed to embody the kind of person I wanted to be and be perceived to be.

Repeatedly I am met with very curated responses as to why they will not be venturing into the plus size world.

I am sure this isn’t the answer any of them would give but I believe many outdoor brands do not want to associate themselves with what they believe is a less than appealing image.

Now the business response might be: it would be an expensive venture for many.

  • They would need to invest in new fit models, new patterns (you can’t just increase the size of something and call it plus size), and a re- imaging of their brands.

Even though the statistics are there to support the notion that there is a plus size market to be had, many larger corporations are unwilling to invest the money into something without knowing for sure that they will get a return.

This is my very nonscientific answer and more what my gut tells me.


What keeps you motivated to continue offering AlpineCurves to our community
of outdoorsy, athletic women?

My biggest motivation is hearing from the women and customers who shop at AlpineCurves.com.

I still get tears in my eyes every time someone reaches out to us to let us know they received their items and they actually fit!

The struggle is real, and I can appreciate where all these women are coming from because I myself struggle to find clothing that fits and functions the way I need it to.

It’s funny how many people do send us notes or call to just say thank you. Wow… that in and of itself is all the motivation I need.   

What is your personal message
to every woman who visits your website
to shop for clothing?

When we were creating the concept for AlpineCurves.com the words that kept popping in my head and eventually became part of our mission statement was “everyday woman”.

I did a lot of research prior to creating AlpineCurves.com and discovered, “68% of American woman wear a size 14 or above” (George-Pakin, 2018).

This was crazy to me and I kept saying to my partner "I AM the everyday woman, I can’t possibly be the only large person out there who enjoys doing outdoor activities".

I used to struggle because I wanted to participate in different activities, but I was incredibly self-conscious.

Not only was I a plus sized woman but I also had nothing that fit me properly; I constantly thought people were looking at me and judging me.

It’s a horrible vicious cycle that unfortunately often prevented me from doing the things I loved.

I don’t ever want anyone to feel that way.

Part of being healthy is to stay active; the last thing a person should have to worry about is if their clothing will fit and function properly.

At AlpineCurves.com we are constantly looking for new brands and products that not only fit our customers but are of the same quality and technicality as our smaller counterparts.

AlpineCurves.com’s mission

is to be your single source for plus size clothing and gear that fit

the everyday woman, for her outdoor lifestyle.


Anything you'd like to add?

AlpineCurves.com has been a labor of love for me; we are still what I would consider a small family run business.

My older brother is my business partner and I am so excited he took my silly dreaming seriously and believed in me when I approached him with my idea for AlpineCurves.com in 2017.

Alpine Curves founders Kindra and DanAlpineCurves duo: Kindra and Dan

There are two parts about this business that are my favorite.

One, it has allowed me the opportunity to meet some really incredible people and spread some happiness and two, it has allowed my brother and I to work together.

I find it all pretty neat and pinch myself regularly :)

If there are any brand(s) or ideas your readers would like to see or share, we love the input. Please feel free to reach out to us!

  • You can contact Kindra here.

It's been a pleasure to introduce you to AlpineCurves.

Thanks, Kindra, for making time for our Q & A session.

Breaking news!

Hiking For Her's September 2019 giveaway features AlpineCurves! 

From September 1st through the 30th, you have a chance to enter to win a gift certificate from this company.

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AlpineCurves interview?

It's fun to find women who are doing exciting things in the realm of female hikers, and to get to know them a bit.

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Alpine Curves Interview With Kindra Roberts

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Female hiker in boulder field holding hiking poles