There are lots of reasons to contact Hiking For Her.
Where does your inquiry fit?
This hiking website is a labor of love, and one of the best parts is hearing from other hikers, or those who want to hike.
This contact page is your chance to send me questions you have about:
Save yourself an email by reading the questions I can answer right here with a "no" response:
I am willing to discuss writing an unpaid review for gear, clothing and outdoor products I feel will benefit the hiking community.
I also welcome comments you have about any of the information or opinions on these web pages.
You can...
If you've got a recommendation based on your own experience, I'm all ears.
I love hearing about new:
You'd like to work with Hiking For Her to get the word out about your hiking product, destination, fundraiser or service, using:
As soon as you send your message, you will receive a reply informing you I received it.
It's very stressful to get a message with an "undeliverable" return address! I have no way of knowing how to fix it.
And I certainly don't want you to think that I ignored your message :(
Here's another option:
Just to make things crystal clear...
I make Herculean efforts to answer all of my email within 24 hours when you contact me.
Please don't think I won't answer your email if you don't hear from me within a day or two.
I answer every email myself, in the order received, but sometimes it takes a bit of time to work my way through it.
Every hiker picks happy trails over email, right?
But both of them are important, and I give the same devotion and attention to one as I give to the other.
You can sign up for my free monthly newsletter, and use the links provided at the end of the newsletter to reach me.
So don't be shy, drop me a note in the box below!