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Day Hike Nutrition Tips:
Easy As A-B-C!

By Diane Spicer

Going on a hike? Eat right so you'll have lots of energy and stamina. Hiking For Her shows you how. #dayhikenutrition #hikingfood #trailsnacks #hikingforher

Day hike nutrition tips are important for feeling your best, no matter what the trail throws at you.

Hiking For Her knows a thing or two about biochemistry, nutrition and what travels well in a backpack.

  • Geek out with me here.

But long scientific explanations are boring.

And all of those long names of biomolecules when all you want to do is hike?

  • Forget it!

Hikers like you want practical, easy to remember nutrition tips.

So here they are, in alphabetical order.

Pin them, share them, enjoy them :)

Eating for A's as a dayhiker

In your day hike lunch sack, be sure to include crunchy, savory, satisfying foods like these!

  • Almonds, apricots, apples and avocados will keep you going, mile after mile.
  • And your taste buds will thank you, too.
Stuck on what to eat during your day hike? Eat your A's! Hiking For Her explains why these four delicious, nutritious foods deserve a place in your hiking lunch.

B good to yourself with
these beneficial snacks!

Notice what we're doing here?

The alphabet is a great way to organize these day hike nutrition tips, and make no mistake, these B's are the best!

Make full use of the nutritional might of bananas, blueberries, bison (buffalo) jerky and nut butters for all of these great reasons:

Be sure to include these day hike foods on your next outdoor adventure, with plenty more tips like these at Hiking For Her.

Don't overlook unusual and enticing nut butters in your day hike repertoire!

Nuts are powerhouses of trace minerals like copper and zinc, and provide lots of nutrition for hard working muscles.

  • So mix it up a little, and leave the reliable but slightly boring peanut butter on the shelf at home.
If your day hike foods fall back on peanut butter and jelly, why not try unusual nut butters like pumpkin seed or sunflower? More great day hike food tips at Hiking For Her!

C if these day hike nutrition tips
appeal to you!

Nothing satisfies more than healthy fats, and the right kinds of delicious chocolate, cashews and coconut will keep you satisfied as well as fueled up for your hike.

And if you're clever (I have full confidence in you), why not combine all four of these day hike nutrition tips into one great trail mix?

  • Let's call it the Hiking For Her combo!
Healthy and tasty day hike food is as easy as ABC with this infographic from Hiking For Her. Four great reasons to eat your C's!

Dare to dream, darling!

Don't eat the same old, same old on every day hike.

Leave the soggy cheese sandwiches behind.

Dare to dream of different Dee-licious snacks!

Dare to be different on your next day hike with these delicious letter D snack ideas from Hiking For Her. #hiking #backpacking #trailfood #hikingsnacks

It's time to loop in the overnighters and long trail hikers!

Dayhikers AND backpackers can benefit from including all of  these food suggestions in their trail menus.

Eeeek! Don't overlook eating
your E's on the trail

Eating for energy and recovery after a long day on the trail means focusing on great sources of electrolytes and protein.

Eating for energy and stamina on the trail is easy with these Hiking For Her trail food tips. #hikingfood #trailsnacks #backpacking

Fantastic foods

Fiddle around with some new food to jazz up your trail food menus.

Eating for good health and energy on the trail can be fun, with these Hiking For Her tips. #backpacking #trailfood #hiking #trailmenus

Good eatin' here!

Munch some granola as you sip a mug of green tea, and keep an eye on the pot of spicy garbanzos you're going to enjoy for dinner.

More great backpacking food ideas from Hiking For Her to jazz up your trail menus. #backpacking #hiking #trailfood #backpackingmenu

Hurrah for trail food!

Sweet and spicy, zingy and filling - don't overlook packing these foods on your next hiking trip.

Hiking For Her offers some suggestions for making your backpacking food more exciting. #backpacking #backpackingmenu #hiking #trailfood

More to come
with this alphabetical fun!

Okay, we're having way too much fun here!

But sometimes it feels good to be silly and serious simultaneously, doesn't it? (and we haven't even gotten to the S's yet!)

Keep your eye on this page for more ABCs of hiking nutrition tips as we work our way through the alphabet of options for your lunch sack and backpacking menus.

  • Only the nutrition dense yet tasty stuff will make it onto these infographics.

And I hope to surprise you with some unusual options that you'd love to try on your next hike.

  • Because eating for excellence on the trail does NOT have to be boring!

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Day Hike Nutrition Tips

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Female hiker in boulder field holding hiking poles