By Diane Spicer
I feel kind of silly talking about hiking motivation whenever someone asks me why I hit the trail every week, year round.
And go off into the wilds for weeks at a time any chance I get.
For me, hiking is an inbuilt need, a drive, an absolute "must have" in large doses.
And it's been that way pretty much since my teens.
So when people ask me how I stay motivated, I feel like a fraud giving them advice.
I've never explored the landscape of finding motivation as a hiker (get the little hiking joke there?).
Rather than share that unhelpful factoid, I dug deep into my memory banks for areas where I have NOT been motivated: taking a calculus course, for instance.
Or scrubbing the kitchen floor.
I've done those things, because I knew they were important.
Did I enjoy them?
If you have to motivate yourself to hike, maybe you should explore other sports.
If hiking is a (pick one):
... then maybe you're a hiker by name, but not by heart.
And it's not really motivation that presents a problem.
Can you re-frame the way you think about hiking?
Can you make it more about its benefits, less about the physical discomforts?
To be blunt: Can you change your attitude?
Never underestimate the power of a good attitude when approaching a hiking goal.
It will revolutionize the way you hit the trail.
Use this website to manage and mitigate the physical discomforts of hiking.
I've observed lots of hikers, in many different settings and groups, over my five decades on the trail.
And I've noticed that they fall into 3 general categories in terms of attitude toward hiking.
You can drop down to the categories:
I base these categories on two things:
If you're up for it, let's peek at these hikers to see if any of them are able to motivate you to keep going on a tough hike, or come back for more.
Maybe you'll spot your own hiking motivation style!
Out in front, taking the lead on every decision, knowing exactly what should be done or how many miles to go before stopping...
Have you met these folks on the trail?
Do you hike with them?
Maybe even been run over by them?
Their posture shouts "I'm the leader!"
What motivates them to hike?
The challenge of conquering a goal! Duh.
If you're a hiker just starting out, beginning to gain outdoor skills and trail confidence, these are the folks you should be hiking with.
These alpha hikers will motivate you through sheer force of will, using emphatic gestures and words like "must" and "will" to get you back to the trailhead in one piece.
Give in to their persuasive powers, and you will indeed get back to the trailhead.
You can take comfort in their knowledge base if something goes wrong.
Their motivation for being on the trail?
Let them lead when you can't decide what to do next.
They have a plan.
Whether or not they provoke hiking motivation, that's for you to decide.
"Go with the flow" hikers are glad to be part of the herd.
They are happy to go as far or as short of a distance as you'd like.
They are content to take pictures, or soak their feet in a cold pool at the base of the waterfall.
This type of hiker is a joy to include on a group hike: the route has been laid out, someone else is keeping track of the turn around time, the weather is good.
Their hiking motivation?
If things get dicey, though, this hiker can be a detriment at worst, or no help at all at best.
They may give into fear, making them hard to motivate to get on board with a plan.
And it could be risky to be a group of all followers. Indecision can cost lives.
So don't hike only with other followers, if that's you.
And if you're interested in becoming a solo hiker, but you have always followed others in the past, build your solo skills and confidence before you venture off well traveled, established trails.
Sometimes their mellow demeanor can calm down a hyper hiker when things begin to go wrong.
"Hey, if the leader trusts that things will work out, so can I, right?"
And they make the job of being the leader so much easier by cooperating.
There is a lot to be said for the power of following the leader in an emergency.
Or any time you want to enjoy a calm, straightforward hike in a group.
This brings us back to the idea of finding the best hiking motivation.
These two types of hikers, alpha and follower, are motivated to hit the trail for very different reasons.
But how easily can they motivate other hikers?
In my experience, I find an alpha type of hiker lacking in the ability to easily motivate other hikers.
The follower is also unable to generate strong hiking motivation in other hikers.
Well, there must be some middle ground, or I wouldn't have told you there were 3 categories, right?
Time to introduce the third type of hiker...
It's easy to define an individualist hiker:
Both have their time and place on the trail.
Deferring gracefully to someone else is a beautiful attribute to have as a hiker.
Standing firm, putting forth your knowledge when it's essential for navigation, insisting on safety margins - also beautiful attributes for a hiker.
And confident individualists have perfected the fine art of discerning how to choose the appropriate route (another little hiking pun - sorry) with maps, not opinions.
Their motivation for hiking with others?
I have proof that they can.
I have been in groups of 10+ people and watched this type of hiker step up to the task.
I've seen how one individualist hiker can crack a joke at just the right time to break the tension around a difficult decision on the trail.
Their bag of tricks include:
These individualist hikers know from their own experiences that sometimes people get themselves into uncomfortable situations:
It takes skill to walk the line between bludgeoning these unprepared folks with common sense for their own good, and cutting them too much slack.
Individualist hikers know how to walk that line, with grace and a calm demeanor.
Now you've seen 3 approaches to the trail.
And you must have drawn a few conclusions about hiking motivation, both your own and in your trail companions.
Here's the thought I'd like to leave you with:
Hiking motivation needs to be internal first.
The thoughts that routinely play in our own heads on a hike will determine how we encourage others to do the right thing on the trail, even when it's hard or unpopular:
Your answer to one question tells you which type of hiker you really are:
Do you give orders, give up, or give your expertise?
Any of these answers may be appropriate, but it depends on the situation in front of you as well as your comfort level and trail experience.
And here's another hiking fact to embrace:
You will need to use at least one of these styles on yourself if the going gets tough on a hiking trail.
It pays to think about which motivational style you align with naturally, so you can step out of character to get the job done if when the time comes.
Not to be dramatic, but your life might literally depend on you taking a back seat, or speaking up, or making a big decision - even when it doesn't feel comfortable in the moment.
Examples of situations I've faced:
I could go on, but here's the point:
By thinking about what motivates you, and others, on a hike you can keep yourself safe.
Not to mention, happy.
Which is the entire point, right?
Try all 3 approaches to hiking motivation, and see which one feels most awkward.
Practice stepping into the role you are least comfortable with on your next hike.
After your turn at an unfamiliar role, ask more questions:
Great facts to have about yourself when before the **** hits the fan
You can read more about the ins and outs of social hiking if you're interested.
And learn how to set hiking goals here.
But only if I've motivated you ;)
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Hiking Motivation