By Diane Spicer
The idea of Kindle hiking was a new one to me, until I spent two weeks with a guy who brought his along on our hiking trip.
Allow me to share the good, the bad, and some hacks with you if you're intrigued by the idea of bringing along a Kindle in your backpack.'re not familiar with a Kindle, it's an electronic, lightweight device for reading text (an e-reader).
Think bigger than a smart phone screen, smaller than a laptop.
I am old enough to remember tearing a paperback in half, handing one half to my tent mate, and spending long hours in my sleeping bag until a storm blew over during several memorable backpacking treks.
Halfway through tenacious storms, we switched halves.
Every hiker has a comfort item, and reading material has always been one of mine!
So it was a delight to usher in the era of e-readers, devices small enough to fit comfortably into my backpack without hogging precious room I needed for trail gear.
The Kindle Paperwhite has several features which make it ideal for hikers:
You'll notice its weight in your hands, but won't be too alarmed by the thought of tucking it alongside your backpacking gear.
There's a waterproof Kindle now, making it even more suitable for your hiking adventures.
Check it out.
Let's return to battery life for a moment.
While it's true that the battery will last for weeks, it's only true if you turn down the screen brightness setting, don't use the wifi, and only read for 30 minutes each day.
So in the "stuck in the tent or you'll blow away or possibly freeze to death" scenario, you will cut into battery life big time.
However, if you're a section hiker or thru hiker, you can judiciously time your visits to towns for recharging in a hotel room or public library.
There is also the problem of moisture to contend with.
I learned this trick from the guy mentioned above.
He carried a solar charger like this one on the lid of his backpack every day.
Worked like a charm!
Still nervous about bringing an electronic reader with you on a hiking or camping trip?
Or gifting a hiking kid who isn't totally reliable with electronic devices?
Since you have room for hundreds and hundreds of books on a Kindle, why not add the Hiking For Her Best Hiking Tips book?
More book ideas are right here.
You'll have that e-reader filled up and ready to go hiking in no time at all!
Even better idea: a free trial of Kindle Unlimited!
Happy Kindling!
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KINDLE hiking
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