Hiking For Her logo with words and graphic of blue female backpacker with backpack and hiking pole

Over Forty Hiker Community

By Diane Spicer

This community is no longer accepting members.

Instead, use this website filled with over 700 pages of free detailed hiking advice to get your questions answered!

Or sign up for the free monthly newsletter.

What is the Over Forty Hiker community?

The Over Forty Hiker community is a private safe space for female hikers with lots of encouragement, humor, questions, and hard won trail wisdom to share with each other.

Comments, images and chats are kept within the community's walled garden.

Even better:

  • This is an ad free space.
  • No toxicity or aggressive hidden agendas are tolerated.

And you won't be bombarded with social media noise -  or have your information sold, mined or manipulated.

Here's how to request an invitation:

An invitation is unavailable at this time.

This community is no longer accepting members.

Instead, use this website filled with over 700 pages of free detailed hiking advice to get your questions answered!

Or sign up for the free monthly newsletter.

So really, it's a
female hiker's oasis!

If your idea of happiness is a circle of hikers, all wanting what's best for you on the trail, this Over Forty Hiker community will appeal to you.

Here, you can collaborate with others on getting your hiking plans fleshed out.

You can celebrate victories and accomplishments with other hikers who really know what it means to conquer a goal.

You have other hikers who really "get it" and love to talk about all things hiking.

You can ask for suggestions and guidance when you're stuck on something.

And your motivation to get outside and get moving will soar when you see the photos and tips from other female hikers!

NOTE: We do not hike together on any regular scheduled basis, in any one location. We're all over the map! This is your chance to hike vicariously with us.

Another huge plus in the
Over Forty Hiker community

Because it's hosted by Hiking For Her, you can expect things to be well run and easy to use.

  • Full disclosure: there is a learning curve to become familiar with our platform, as with anything online, but it's pretty darn small.

You can use a phone app, your tablet, a computer, or switch back and forth between all three.

A few things you'll find nowhere else

The conversations we have inside the community are richer, deeper than you'll find in a Facebook group.

There isn't any competition to be the best or the smartest, so everyone's voice is heard and honored. What would that feel like for you?

You'll also be the first to know about gear deals, discount coupon codes for reputable hiking brands, hiking resources and articles that are "must reads", and more.

The magic begins
inside our walled garden

Once inside the community, you have access to friendly hikers of all ability levels and backgrounds.

That should feel pretty exciting!

  • Where else can you tap into a hiking network willing and able to share secrets and tips to make you a smarter, safer and happier hiker?
  • How else can you easily access a wide variety of voices when making a gear selection or planning a backpacking destination?
  • And the photos of hiking destinations, wow! That should get your gears turning for future trips, with ready made hiking buddies to ask for tips.

It's also exciting to think about helping us build an extensive storehouse of hiking knowledge for all to enjoy.

  • Your voice and unique background will contribute to the richness of everyone's experience.

When you connect with this community of women who really "get it" when it comes to your hiking interests, it's amazing and magical.

What's up with the age limit?

Being over forty can mean a lot of things to a woman.

  • Maybe the reality of an empty nest is looming.
  • Physical changes are occurring, ready or not.
  • Hiking style and pacing might need some fine tuning.

Here's another thing:

Have you noticed how the media ignores or demonizes aging?

  • No female over the age of 25 in gear ads
  • Cougars (older women, not the big tawny kitties) preying on defenseless younger men
  • Frail or dotty little old lady stereotypes
  • Cranky unattractive spinsters

So it's time for a completely different approach

Hiking For Her believes strongly in smart, strong, safe female hikers as a reality (read more here).

  • That's why this Over Forty Hiker community originated right here on this website, inviting charter members to guide and enrich it with their deep collective wisdom.

In our community, being 40+ years of age is welcomed as a fact of life, not a limitation on the enjoyment of outdoor adventures.

And why not celebrate it?

  • The way we see it, being 40 isn't anything to hide, cover up, or ignore!
  • It's a rite of passage into another wonderful phase of life as a hiker.
  • And in truth, you're just getting started at 40!!

Can I join you if I'm
not yet 40 years of age?


No one is going to ask your age - and you can share it within the community, or not.

But let's be honest here.

  • The concerns of a twenty five year old on the trail are going to differ from a fifty year old hiker.
  • What we talk about and share might not be what you're working with, and thinking about, on the trail.

That's why we're being up front to own the fact that we are women of a certain age - and gloriously beyond.

Is there hiking life beyond forty?

Let's go find out - together!

  • Spoiler alert: Yes, many times over with yes!

Looking for a virtual hiking community for support, motivation and fun? Join Hiking For Her's Over Forty Hiker Community. #overfortyhiker #olderfemalehikers #womenhiking #hikingforher #hikingcommunity

Why aren't males allowed in this
Over Forty Hiker community?

We're not male bashers. We know the value of male hiking buddies!

We just want to create an intentionally woman focused space to explore what hiking means to us as we move along our personal trails.

Every female understands how the dynamics of a conversation can change when a male point of view is introduced.

And there are specific female concerns which every woman faces on the trail.

So for now, we're a trail sister community.

As we grow and change, the topic might come up for discussion.

  • So stay tuned, guys!

How does sign up work?

This community is no longer accepting members.

Instead, use this website filled with over 700 pages of free detailed hiking advice to get your questions answered!

Or sign up for the free monthly newsletter.

Your privacy is guarded closely

I want to emphasize this:

  • Your information is kept private and is not sold or passed along to anyone.
  • It will be used only to send an invitation to you.

You can choose to respond to the email, or to ignore it. No worries!

And if for some reason you fill out this form and don't receive an invitation, check your spam folder, or try again within a few days.

We're not ignoring you! There was a typo or glitch somewhere along the way ;)

Is there a free trial?

Because the contributions of our members are at the core of our community, there is no free trial to come in and meet everyone before you join.

The monthly fee (about the price of a couple of trail bars) is kept low on purpose, so you can try things out and see if it's a good fit for you.

But you can read what members say about themselves and their experience in this community right here! (click the graphic)

What does it cost to join?

Your membership in the Over Forty Hiker community is very affordable:

  • $4.99/month

As a valued member, you can leave at any time.

  • You can cancel your membership at the end of the current billing period.
  • You can leave the door open to return later, or choose to have all of your contributions deleted from the community.

So why isn't the
Over Forty Hiker community free to join?

Three reasons, all of which are chalked up to the "no such thing as free lunch" costs of living on our planet:

  • the cost of maintaining a platform to serve you
  • the cost of curating and hosting the community
  • the cost of true privacy

A few words about each...


This community relies upon state of the art technology to enable our private interactions.

As members, we can:

  • post photos
  • comment and chat
  • share information in regional groups
  • celebrate milestones and achievements
  • interact with the entire group -or- message one person
  • hold online gatherings
  • use a phone app while on the go...

lots of technical features, which require both time and money to keep running smoothly.


Over Forty Hiker is hosted and curated, meaning there is a firm commitment to enforcing a zero tolerance policy for  anyone who posts offensive or demeaning content, trying to stir up trouble or pit one hiker against another.

The host also troubleshoots your technical glitches and responds to your messages.

  • This will shorten your learning curve and support your community experience.

You realize how this kind of hosting and support requires dedicated staff hours, which are paid for by the membership fees.

High quality, no headaches

The daily news is filled with examples of bad actors in social media spaces.

  • It's becoming clear that a "private" social media group is not so private.

Women join our community because we are all looking for a quality experience without worrying about who is selling our data or tracking what we do.

The private "walled garden" experience eliminates the worries and the headaches you may have experienced in many current social media groups.

Bottom line in our Over Forty Hiker community

Selling ads or seeking corporate sponsors for our community is something we have decided to avoid.

This community gives a lot, and asks each member to support the delivery of a quality, unique experience with a modest fee.

Technology, hosting, support, privacy, a community of women gathered together to support each other as hikers ...what is all of that goodness worth to you?

Just a few hiking comparisons to add some perspective:

  • Two small EPIC protein bars at Trader Joe's (a very reasonably priced store) cost $4.99, to be gulped down and forgotten after a few minutes on the trail.
  • Starbucks charges $4.99 (and sometimes more) for one hot beverage on your way to the trailhead.

What our Over Forty Hiker community

Before you join, it's important to highlight what you won't find here, allowing you to make an informed decision about joining us.

This community has some distinct differences, beyond its privacy and intentional focus on a high quality, interactive user experience.

It's not a meet up and hike group

Because we're spread all over the map, we don't schedule hikes in one particular location.

In fact, there are no regularly scheduled events in this group.

If you're looking for a local hiking group for organized hikes, read my tips here.

It's not what you're used to

The Over Forty Hiker community is not built around a social media platform.

So if you like big, fast paced, noisy groups on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other public platforms, you might find this community way out of the norm.

  • We aim to stay small and friendly, allowing rich interactions without any social pressures.
  • We like to take some time to consider the question and respond with a thoughtful answer.
  • Or pose another question to develop a conversation into something rich and satisfying.

That's not to say you can't get a fast answer to a question.

But if that's all you're after, you won't find value here.

It's not a meet up for hikers

Yes, you will meet other hikers from around the United States.

But there is no guarantee that someone is in your neighborhood.

So if you're looking for a specific type of hiking partner for a specific location, consider my suggestions for finding one here.

It's not a content based, guru led space

There's no central figure or particular point of view inside our community.

So if you would prefer to focus on one hiker's perspective, or you desire to locate specific hiking information quickly, this is not going to meet your needs.

  • Might I suggest using the search box on this page instead?
  • The TOP button will get you there fast.

A few sensitive subjects

Aging hikers are a reality! If you're sensitive about the number of candles on your birthday cake, the candor of the name and our topics might turn you off.

Lurkers won't get much value from joining us, because the secret sauce is in the chats, conversations, group events and friendships being developed within the Over Forty hiker community.

  • You can join for a month and if you don't think it's the place for you, it's easy to cancel your membership - although it would be a shame to go before you give the community aspect a try!

If you're seeking a spot to market your own products, services or branding, please contact me and we can discuss how to do that here on the Hiking For Her website.

  • We deliberately keep our Over Forty Hiker community free of solicitation or advertisements.

And trolls?

Not to worry.

  • The modest sign up fee keeps them at bay.
  • The community host (me, Diane Spicer) is dedicated to creating a troll free space where everyone feels comfortable and welcome.
  • Everyone in our community thus far has been helpful, gracious and lovely to each other.

Why you should join our
Over Forty Hiker community

You should join us when:

  • you're looking for a trusted, knowledgeable trail buddy for an upcoming adventure
  • you'd like information about hiking in a specific area
  • you need motivation to get outdoors more
  • a current challenge or frustration is keeping you off the trail
  • buying new gear or hiking clothing is a daunting proposition
  • you're looking for a way to give back to the hiking community by supporting our efforts
  • you need some inspiration and humor in your life
  • you want to be motivated by other hikers
  • you'd like to shorten the learning curve for newbies
  • you ARE a newbie and want to fast track your learning
  • you're seeking a tribe of women who share your love of the outdoors and "get" what you're talking about
  • the idea of an ever evolving conversation with other female hikers appeals to you

No one can predict what you'll learn - or who you'll meet.

Very similar to every single hike you take, if you stop to think about it.

How hiking makes us feel, Over Forty Hiker Community at Hiking For Her

Bonuses in your membership

Community members have free access to courses written in the Hiking For Her manner, full of tips and knowledge for you to put to good use.

Past courses include:

  • How To Get In (Better) Shape For Hiking
  • Transitioning Into Solo Hiking
  • How To Start Day Hiking
  • What Can Go Wrong On A Hike?

Great value for your money. And you never know what you'll see inside the community as it grows!

Why wait?

This unique Over Forty Hiker community welcomes female hikers of all ability levels.

We're ready to share insights, humor and hard won hiking tips with you in a private, ad free space built for making connections and sharing experiences.

This is what you can look forward to as a member:

Meet hikers located near you, & those at a distance.

Chat with those who have hiked trails you'd love to explore.

Find out about hiking in other areas, and be inspired and motivated to try something new.

Ask and answer questions about all things hiking from the best sports bras to how to hang a bear bag.

Pay it forward by sharing your hiking knowledge.

Share stories and photos in a lively exchange of trail wisdom.

Enjoy the unique content, free courses and honest conversations not found elsewhere.

We're creating something really wonderful together,

won't you join us?

Home page > Hiking Resources >

Over Forty Hiker Community

I get emails all the time about what I wear, eat, carry and love to use on the trail.

That's why I provide affiliate links to you: the best gear that I use myself and have seen used by other hikers is instantly available for your consideration, and the gear company sends a few pennies per dollar to this reader-supported hiking website.

There is no added cost to you!

Everyone ends up a winner: Great gear for you, strong gear companies, and more free hiking tips for everyone.

Thanks very much for your support. It's warmly and sincerely appreciated. It also helps send these hiking tips to all your virtual trail buddies around the globe.

Female hiker in boulder field holding hiking poles