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By Diane Spicer

Possumdown Gloves Review:
What Can They Do For You
On Your Next Hike?

See if this Hiking For Her review of possum down gloves gives you the details you need to add a pair to your backpack. #hiking #backpacking #hikinggloves #hikinggear

A Possumdown gloves review: seriously?


  • They're a thing.

But do you need a pair of these gloves for hiking?

That depends. Keep reading!

Possumdown gloves review:
first things first

There are probably at least 2 questions rolling around in your mind right about now:

  • What the heck is possum down?
  • Was she paid to say nice things about it?

No for the latter question.

  • I purchased these gloves with my own money and wore them because I myself was curious about their ability to keep hands warm and comfortable.

As for the first question, possum down is harvested legally in New Zealand from brushtail possums (which have overrun natural plant and wildlife ecosystems due to an ill fated introduced species plan).

If the idea of wearing fibers from animals which are killed for the purpose of making human clothing concerns or alarms you, consider these alpaca wool gloves instead.

  • Alpacas are sheared each year, yet allowed to live out their normal lifespans.

Vegan hikers would do well to consider fleece gloves like these, thus eliminating all animal fibers from the equation of how to keep hands warm.

Now let's get to the details in this Possumdown gloves review.

Possumdown gloves review:
the specs

Any piece of hiking gear should have specifications listed clearly, so here they are:

  • 30% New Zealand possum / 60% New Zealand Merino wool / 10% nylon elastane
  • Width = 3.5 inches for all sizes
  • Length varies with size: small = 6.5 in, medium = 7 in, large = 8 in, XL: 8.5 in
  • Materials stretch a bit (elastane), so if in doubt, order a size down

Note: All data is courtesy of Possumdown, as listed on websites and product inserts.

How do these possum down
Merino wool blend gloves
perform on the trail?

Possum down gloves on a hiker's hands with red backpack and yellow snowshoes on snowy ground

Let's set the scene.

A backcountry snowshoeing trip in calm, sunny conditions, around 35F.

Elevation gain (and loss) of 3500 feet.

30L daypack, trekking poles, multiple layers of clothing, and these gloves.

There were several opportunities to test not only the warmth, but the moisture wicking and waterproofing of these gloves throughout the day.

Here's what happened.



After the first minute or so of donning these possum down gloves, a definite layer of heat builds up along the surface of your skin.

You'll definitely feel the heat loss when you peel off these gloves.

Moisture wicking ability

Also excellent!

Gaining that much elevation takes steady hard work, especially on snowshoes.

Sweat is inevitable, but a sweaty grip was not noticeable in these gloves.


Good, as far as these gloves were pushed.

Adjusting snowshoe buckles and brushing snow from overhanging branches led to water accumulating on them, but hands didn't feel wet.

The gloves weren't saturated with moisture at the end of the hike, but they began to get water coated when the weather turned foggy (moist) on the way back down to the trailhead.

  • You could see tiny beads of water on the fibers.

But while they were damp, they remained warm.

That's a great clue to their ability to keep you insulated even under relentlessly wet conditions.

And here's something interesting: the gloves dried quickly in the warm car on the ride home.

What about hand dexterity
in these gloves?

There was no loss of gripping ability, as you can see in the photo.

Gloved hand holding bright blue insulated metal bottle during a hikeGetting a grip in possum down gloves

However, don't expect to push the teeny tiny buttons on your camera in these gloves.

  • While lightweight and relatively thin compared to fleece gloves, they still create a barrier between those devilish little buttons and your fingertips.

On the other hand, using your trekking poles or water bottles with glove encased hands will be great fun: you'll be able to grasp while your fingers stay toasty warm!

So maybe it's a wash in this Possumdown gloves review?

  • You won't be able to swipe your smartphone.
  • But your fingers won't be cold, either.

Are these gloves
too warm?

Hard to say, based on the wind-less testing conditions.

There was no need to peel off the gloves along the trail due to overheating (which I've experienced in fleece gloves), but it was a cool-ish hike that became more so as elevation was gained.

What about summer hikes?

  • I can see wearing these gloves for summer backpacking on cool mornings, or in the tent prior to bedtime as you're doing last minute chores before bed.
  • Ditto for campsites at high elevation, when even summer solstice brings low temperatures.

I think it's also possible to wear them at your campsite for food preparation, as they conform to the shape of the hand well and are somewhat textured to provide a reliable grip.

And never forget about the Ten Essentials list:

  • a pair of super lightweight yet insulating gloves like these are worthy candidates for "extra clothing".

Possumdown gloves review

Possumdown gloves? Wow! Try a pair on your next hike, for lots of reasons discovered by Hiking For Her on a recent snowshoe hike. #hiking #hikinggear #warmgloves #backpacking

There might be an issue with insulating ability on a windy day, although because the possum down fibers are hollow (similar to polar bear fur), maybe not.

Hiking For Her tentatively final conclusion about windproofness:

  • Hollow is good - an insulating air pocket is created in each and every little fiber.

Never fear, a windy day update will be forthcoming.

What else to note?

These gloves are not cheap, like fleece gloves.

These gloves are high quality construction, lightweight, and take up minimal space in a pocket.

These gloves are not going to keep your hands dry in a downpour.

However, these gloves are likely to keep your fingers warm while wet, and for a hiker, that's not a small thing.

  • Say good bye to "peel off and squeeze" cycles, as with fleece gloves. (Or is that just me?)

The addition of the Merino wool guarantees the gloves will retain their shape, after an initial period of molding to your unique hand size.

So maybe it's time to put these gloves on your gift wish list, or buy yourself a pair right now - because warm hands give you wider margins of safety and comfort on any hike, and that's priceless.

Happy Warm Fingers!

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Possumdown Gloves Review

More tips for warm hands on a hike right here for you!

Warm hands on a cold hike are easy to achieve,using these tips from Hiking For Her. #hiking #hikingtips #warmhandshiking #hike #backpacking #hikinggloves

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