Hiking For Her logo with words and graphic of blue female backpacker with backpack and hiking pole

Trail Mix
Monthly Hiking Digest

April 2017 issue

May 2017 issue

June 2017 issue

A new way to get all the dirt
(trail dirt, that is)

By Diane Spicer

The Trail Mix Monthly Hiking Digest is two publications in one:

  • The latest hiking news about trails and gear.
  • Plus a monthly collection of great hiking articles on nutrition, safety, wellness, navigation tips, trail techniques, clothing, destinations, problem solving on the trail...

Basically, anything and everything of interest to a hiker, pulled together into a convenient, easy to read format for you.

Ready for the freshest, most detailed and helpful hiking tips you can find? Hiking For Her's monthly Trail Mix will help you stay safe, comfortable, well fed, happy and motivated on your hikes.

But doesn't Hiking For Her
already do that?

Yes indeed!

You can read hundreds of pages of hiking tips right here on this website.

But because there's so much to read, hikers have been asking for solutions to:

  • eye fatigue from extended time focusing on screens,
  • preference for a paper copy of the articles and tips,
  • frustration in finding time to wade through this bounty of information.

Here's the solution.

An easy to read, down loadable, printable whenever you want it publication:

Trail Mix monthly hiking digest!

If you enjoy the style and content of the Hiking For Her website, you're gonna love this deep dive into all things hiking each and every month.

Along with the surprises.

And give aways!

Why is it a "digest"?

The name is a play on words.

  • You eat trail mix because it's delicious and satisfying.
  • Then you digest it and put it to good use on the trail.

Same idea here!

In every monthly edition, you'll find tempting, easy to digest hiking information on a variety of topics all of us hikers love.

You already feed your hard working hiking body with tasty trail mix.

Now you can feed your mind with all of this hiking goodness!

April 2017 issue

May 2017 issue

June 2017 issue

What you'll find inside Trail Mix
monthly hiking digest

The hiking trail mix you munch on usually combines an abundance of sweet, salty and surprising savory bites.

That's why this Trail Mix is organized into 3 categories of abundant information every hiker needs:

  • Planning to hit the trail (sweet)
  • During your hike (salty)
  • Post-hike (surprises, both good and bad)

Every monthly issue is jam packed with articles, crafted to make your hikes satisfying, safe and successful.

  • And offer you the latest discounts, freebies, product changes, new gear and other hiking news you want to know.

Colorful photographs of hiking trails and destinations, wildlife, seasonal plants and flowers, and hikers in action in some spectacular scenery are just a bonus!

What exactly is in this Trail Mix?

Let's take a peek at what you will find in your Trail Mix, based on the "rule of three" outlined above.

Planning for your hike

Beginners, intermediate hikers and seasoned trail veterans all need to plan for a successful hike.

The articles in this section of the Trail Mix monthly hiking digest focus on important pre-hike topics like these:

  • how to choose the right gear for your plans
  • best hiking clothing and layering system
  • itinerary planning for different seasons and terrain
  • packing the best food for your hike
  • organization tips for gear lockers and backpacks
  • trail food recipes
  • comparisons and reviews of outdoor products
  • conditioning (especially after a period of inactivity)
  • injury prevention on the trail
  • choosing a hiking partner or group

And many more topics any hiker thinks about when planning a hike.

Over the course of one year, imagine all of the hiking wisdom (seasonally appropriate) you'll enjoy!

During your hike

Once you're at the trail head, you have to rely on your advance planning (see above) for what's in your backpack and in your knowledge base.

On every hike, you can put the tips in this section of Trail Mix to good use:

  • gear hacks
  • navigation tips
  • safety ideas
  • first aid solutions
  • new skills to try
  • food and nutrition tips
  • seasonal hydration strategies
  • pacing ideas
  • motivation
  • problem solving
  • trail journaling
  • outdoor photography tips
  • nature observation approaches (geology, botany, weather, seasonal changes, animal behavior)

As a reader, you can always suggest a topic to be covered in an upcoming edition, too.

And share your own tips.

Post-hike strategies

Whew! Boots are off, and you're cooling down from a great hike.

But you might have a few aches and pains, maybe a blister or a rash.

And you're probably hungry as a bear!

The articles in this section of your Trail Mix monthly hiking digest get you started on the best way to care for your body after a hike, including:

  • self care for soreness and inflammation
  • tick, plant and water borne illness remedies
  • wellness habits for hikers a.k.a. endurance athletes 
  • foot care strategies
  • faster injury recovery
  • dealing with sprains, strains, and overexertion
  • nutrition for faster recovery
  • inspiration for your next hike

News for hikers

Look for the latest hiking related information in this section of Trail Mix Monthly Hiking Digest.

Hiking For Her keeps an eye on research findings in medical and scientific journals that impact hikers:

  • ergonomics
  • hiking related injuries and rehabilitation
  • sports nutrition
  • conditioning
  • weight loss strategies
  • lifespan issues such as adolescence, pregnancy, menopause, andropause, and geriatrics

On top of this jargon-free explanation of the latest research findings, expect to see:

  • new outdoor gear and camping products,
  • product updates and additions,
  • gear company news,
  • changes in trail policies ...

and whatever is hot off the press that month.

This summary service is part of what makes Trail Mix Monthly Hiking Digest a news digest, right?

Even more good stuff!

Just to keep things interesting, every month there will an exclusive give away, just for Trail Mix monthly digest readers.

  • You can enter to win something that will keep your trail time safe, comfortable, fun and fresh, every month!
  • It's easy to enter the secret password and your email address into the random drawing by the end of the month, and then wait to be contacted if you're the lucky hiker.

And who knows what other goodies will be thrown in, just to keep things spicy?

Hiking For Her is just getting started mixing up a monthly batch of Trail Mix for you!

How to get Trail Mix Monthly Hiking Digest delivered to your in box

Right now, Trail Mix is available one month at a time.

  • If there's enough interest, it will be offered in 6-month and yearly subscriptions.

You can purchase your monthly edition right here. Fast and easy!

April 2017 issue

May 2017 issue

June 2017 issue

What's the format?

Trail Mix is available as a pdf download, available instantly by using PayPal, or a credit or debit card via the PayPal interface.

This payment method is safe and secure.

Once you have Trail Mix downloaded to your computer:

  • Save it and read it at your leisure.
  • Build up an archive of great hiking articles.
  • Print out the articles to make reading even easier.

One thing to note:

Every issue of Trail Mix is written from the perspective of a hiker in the northern hemisphere. So if you're in the Southern hemisphere, the seasons will be flipped.

  • But we can wave to each other on the equinoxes :)

Introductory pricing

You pay a low $2.99 per issue during this introductory phase.

Why so low for over 35 pages of exclusive hiking goodness plus a give away every month?

  • To encourage you to try something a little different
  • To put fresh content in an attractive package into your in box each month
  • To bear with Hiking For Her during the inital de-bugging stage

And here's the real reason: it's something low cost yet tasty to look forward to as the seasons turn and you add more miles to your boots.

Future issues will increase in cost as the amount of information (and thus the format, labor and overhead) expands.

But there will be a special deal for the first wave of readers, you can be sure of that!

Will this fresh hiking information be available here on the website?

No. What you read in Trail Mix stays in Trail Mix.

No one else will have access to all of these tips, techniques, solutions, gear hacks, give aways, research findings, and trail news.

If you decide to skip Trail Mix, no worries!

  • The Hiking For Her website will continue to feature brand new hiking tips for you. Use the RSS feed to stay current.
  • Happy Trails, the free monthly newsletter, will still be emailed, brimming with hiking news and tips.
  • A link to the purchase page for each new edition of Trail Mix will be provided in Happy Trails every month. 
  • If you haven't signed up yet for this free newsletter, please do using this convenient little blue box. Makes it easy to get your copy of Trail Mix if you change your mind!

So why offer Trail Mix
Monthly Hiking Digest?

There are three reasons for this new offering:

There is never enough room in Happy Trails (see above) to share all of the hiking news, reviews, updates, and tips that I gather and create each month.

  • The expanded format of Trail Mix monthly hiking digest provides the opportunity to share a lot more hiking information with you, without clogging your in box.

It's fun to pull together "all things hiking" for you in a fresh, easy to read format!

  • And hopefully to surprise & delight you with new ideas, inspiration, solutions to trail problems, and give aways.

Third reason?

My background in human biology allows me to bring a "never stop learning" scientist's eye and teacher's heart to this endeavor.

  • Expect well researched, well organized information that is too good to keep to myself.

There you have it: three good reasons for offering you some delicious Trail Mix :)

Ready to try it?

Detailed hiking tips, gear hacks, fresh hiking news, and a chance to enter give aways are yours in each issue of Trail Mix, Hiking For Her's monthly hiking digest. Check it out!

In exchange for $2.99 per month, you receive all of this in Trail Mix Monthly Hiking Digest:

  • Pre-hike ideas to make you a prepared hiker
  • Tips for enjoying every hike to the fullest
  • Strategies for recovering from your hike, beginning the minute your backpack comes off
  • A chance to win something to keep you strong, safe and happy on the trail

Take a peek at Hiking For Her's new creation for less than the price of a pound of "real" trail mix!

Trail Mix Monthly Hiking Digest:

give it a try today.

April 2017 issue

May 2017 issue

June 2017 issue

Home page

I get emails all the time about what I wear, eat, carry and love to use on the trail.

That's why I provide affiliate links to you: the best gear that I use myself and have seen used by other hikers is instantly available for your consideration, and the gear company sends a few pennies per dollar to this reader-supported hiking website.

There is no added cost to you!

Everyone ends up a winner: Great gear for you, strong gear companies, and more free hiking tips for everyone.

Thanks very much for your support. It's warmly and sincerely appreciated. It also helps send these hiking tips to all your virtual trail buddies around the globe.

Female hiker in boulder field holding hiking poles