Hiking For Her logo with words and graphic of blue female backpacker with backpack and hiking pole

Why Hike?
What A Great Question!
What's Your Answer?

By Diane Spicer

Wondering why people hike? Or do you already have an answer to the question Why do you hike? See all 4 reasons Hiking For Her loves to hit the trail. #whyhike #hiking #hikingforher #womenhikers

Why hike?

If you're asking yourself why do people hike, your curiosity is about to change your life.

The best time to start hiking is today.

The trail is calling, and you must go soon so you can experience the joys and benefits of hiking.

So let's give you four great reasons to become a hiker.

Already a hiker?

See if your reasons for hiking sync up with mine!

Why hike?
Because you're curious

Why do people hike?

Curiosity is one of the most powerful human drives.

So if you're curious about hiking, you're human!

  • It's normal to wonder what a hike is like, what hiking will demand from you, and what it will give you in return.

If you have even one tiny shred of curiosity about how it feels to lace up your boots, shoulder a pack, and stride off into unknown territory (even if it's at a local state park), follow that curiosity.

Literally follow your curiosity out onto a trail and see where it takes you.

Female hiker descending a hiking trail surrounded by red, orange and yellow autumn foliageExploring new terrain, reveling in Nature's colors, and fresh air!

But be smart about it

I've written some tips for beginner day hikers that make a smart starting point:

Use these hiking tips to get started on some local day hikes, and before you know it, you'll be coming back for some backpacking tips for beginners!

And to feed your curiosity even further, take a peek at my Pinterest Why Do I Hike page.

Why hike?
Because you can

What is one of the first major milestones in a baby's life?

  • Walking, of course.

So you're an expert walker with decades of experience, and that's not an accident.

Your body is designed for bipedal upright motion.

Walking comes naturally.

And you do it so well!

Here's why: your hard working muscles and bones.

If you're just starting down the hiking path of life, read these tips on injury prevention.

If you're an older person contemplating the benefits of hiking, read these tips.

  • Menopausal women seem especially open to exploring what hiking can do for a midlife transition, so I've shared some tips for menopausal hikers here.

Think you're an elder hiker?

Congratulations! You've got lots of reasons to celebrate that title, outlined for you here.

White butterfly on alpine wild flower

Hiking benefits
know no age limits

Hikers of all ages reap the benefits of hiking, outlined for you here.

If you have questions about how to get started, regardless of your age or current physical condition, use this CONTACT link.

  • I am sincere when I say that your questions are important to me, and I want to help you answer the burning question of "Should I hike?" for yourself.

Need some inspiration and camaraderie?

Join the Hiking For Her private hiking community for women who are celebrating their achievements: the Over Forty Hikers.

Why hike?
Because you have
a goal to achieve

The physical and mental health benefits of hiking cannot be denied.

Every step you take on a hiking trail pays off for you in a big way:

  • moving your large skeletal muscles to build up strength,
  • filling up your lungs with oxygen and pushing out the carbon dioxide as you hike,
  • pumping your blood vigorously through your heart muscle,
  • and carrying weight against gravity for strong bones

are all examples of doing physical work as a hiker to make your body stronger.

If you're dreaming of doing a long trail hiking adventure, whether a section hike or a thruhike, read this.

Not everyone likes outdoor exercise.

If you're more comfortable in a gym or at home with your yoga mat, so be it.

But if you want to tone up, slim down, improve your posture and balance, and keep your joints mobile as you age, hiking is your ticket.

Don't take my word for it!

Read this report for details on the health benefits that any hiker can reap:

Try these tips to get started

To help you get started, I've written some specific tips for beginning hikers with a goal in mind:

Why hike?
Because you must!

For some of us, NOT hiking is a horrifying thought.

Hiking is what we do!

It's what brings serenity, a high level of physical fitness, a purpose, a sense of satisfaction.

And here's why we stay hooked on hiking:

  • Every hiking trail is different, regardless of how many times your boots have been on it.
  • You're different on every hike, too.

What an amazing sport!

It's fresh every time, and gives you such an abundance of health benefits plus some great photos and cherished memories.

So I urge you to try hiking, and start off smart.

A few bad experiences as a beginner hiker will rob you of your curiosity, desire and willingness to explore what it means to be a hiker.

Don't go unprepared.

I've gathered together a lifetime of the best hiking tips, earned the hard way on hiking trails all over the United States, Canada and beyond, and share them for you here (just click on the picture).

Best hiking tips to make your trail time safe and enjoyable #hikingtips #hikingsafety #outdoorsafety #backpacking #hikesafe #whyhike #hikingbenefits

The Why Hike?
Hiking For Her version

If you're curious, follow this About link to the story of how I got started hiking, and why I'm still a happy hiker 45+ years later.

And remember, if you need more reasons to hike, send me your concerns and questions. I'd be more than happy to help you get out on the trail.

I can't think of a sport that's so easy to begin, and so rewarding throughout all of the ups and downs of life.

Give it a go!

And let me know how you're answering the why hike question these days!

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Why Hike?

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Female hiker in boulder field holding hiking poles