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Yes to the skirts and kilts!

by Susan P.
(Florida, USA)

Hunting petroglyphs in the Nevada desert

Hunting petroglyphs in the Nevada desert

I'm a fan of Bolder Athletic Wear (formerly known as Sparkle Skirts) because they're the perfect blend of style and comfort. They were originally made for runners (marathoners), but they're fantastic for hiking because not only are the built-in shorts long enough to prevent thigh rub, they have POCKETS. There are huge pockets on the outside of each leg, plus there's a large zippered pocket in the waistband. I can be comfortable and have all of my stuff (phone, snacks, lip balm, soap flake, etc) in easy reach!

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Hurray for skirts!
by: Kathy Blough

Love it! Finding comfort with pockets is not easy. it looks great on you!

I have a new hiking skirt from Purple Rain that I like. But my latest favorite is hiking in Duluth Trading gardening overalls. A gazillion pockets and nothing around my waist.

I hope everyone else is having an amazing hiking summer!

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Female hiker in boulder field holding hiking poles