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Hiking Photography Resources
And Tips

By Diane Spicer

Looking for photography resources for your next hiking trip? Hiking For Her has some suggestions for taking great photos on the trail. #hikingphotos #photographyforhikers #hikingforher

Full disclosure about hiking photography skill set (or lack thereof)

Hiking photography seems to require a bit more skill than point-and-shoot.

Although, I wouldn't know.

I'm not a photographer.

Never have been, never will be.

But I certainly do love enjoying photos of my hikes!

I'm lucky.

My husband carries a camera and uses it liberally on every hike. He's documented all of our hiking adventures.

He was the one who thought of taking along "helmet cam" on our hikes.

Helmet cam is an amazingly lightweight video camera.

The ability to zoom in on wildlife is priceless!

And guess what?

An idiot (me) can get great quality footage, with just a tiny amount of know-how.

woman photographer surrounded by mountainsPoint and shoot - hiking photography couldn't be simpler!

That's me in the photo above, using helmet cam. Almost looks like I know what I'm doing, doesn't it?!

So now you know

Now you know my secret: I don't hold myself out to be an expert on taking outdoor pictures.

Instead, I'll point you toward some credible resources on outdoor photography to help you capture your hiking memories without too much effort.

And if I can do this, you can, too!

In fact, you can read about how I use my smartphone and my trusty little action camera to capture great hiking videos:

Outdoor photography resources
worth a good look

One more...

  • Here's a website with all sorts of digital photography tips.... start with the nature photo tips and see what else might be of use to you.

If you like reading how-to books, give this one a look: The Backpacker's Photography Handbook by Charles Campbell.

Photography backpacks for hiking

No sense carrying expensive camera gear without a suitable backpack to shield it from the elements, right?

Camera backpacks can be as lean and mean, or overbuilt, as you desire.

Read up on a few great choices here.

You can also protect your expensive investments with these tips for camping safely.

Nature photography awaits!

Mount Rainier viewed from Mount Adams, a lush green mountain meadow in the foreground

Work your way through that resource list to find one that clicks (ahem!), then put it to good use with your camera.

I'll add to this list as I stumble across good resources for you!

You might be able to create an album of  the beauty of alpine flowers by simply experimenting with your current equipment.

If you're an outdoor photography website owner, or would like to recommend a photo site for hikers, please contact me.

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Hiking Photography Resources

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Female hiker in boulder field holding hiking poles